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    Computer Network

    Introduction to Computer Network

    Author - Ali Asgar Khawasawala (Electronics & Communication Engineer, PGT IP/CS)

    Introduction to Computer Network

    What is Computer Network?

    A computer network comprises two or more computers that are connected either by cables (wired) or WiFi (wireless) with the purpose of transmitting, exchanging, or sharing data and resources.

    Geographic location often defines a computer network. For example, a LAN (local area network) connects computers in a defined physical space, like an office building, whereas a WAN (wide area network) can connect computers across continents. The internet is the largest example of a WAN, connecting billions of computers worldwide.

    Advantages of Computer Network

    Computer networks enable communication for every business, entertainment, and research purpose. The internet, online search, email, audio and video sharing, online commerce, live-streaming, and social networks all exist because of computer networks.

    Computer Network Types

    Local Area Network (LAN)

    Local Area Network

    A Local Area Network (LAN) connects computers over a relatively short distance, allowing them to share data, files, and resources. For example, a LAN may connect all the computers in an office building, school, or hospital. LAN can be extended upto 1 km. Data transfer in LAN is quite high, and usually varies from 10 Mbps to 1000 Mbps.

    Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

    Metropolitan Area Network

    A Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is an extended form of LAN which covers a larger geographical area like a city or a town. Cable TV network or cable based broadband internet services are examples of MAN. MAN can be extended upto 30-40 km.

    Wide Area Network (WAN)

    Wide Area Network

    A Wide Area Network (WAN) connects computers over a wide area, such as from region to region or even continent to continent. The internet is the largest WAN, connecting billions of computers, smartphones and millions of LANs worldwide.

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